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Vnr. 0dv4333002

Nike Legend 10 PRO FG Takkaskór

33.995 kr.
Nafn Nike Legend 10 PRO FG Takkaskór - 47
33.995 kr.
Birgðir 1

Nafn Nike Legend 10 PRO FG Takkaskór - 47,5
33.995 kr.
Birgðir 0

kr. kr/mán
(m.v. mán)

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Meira um vöruna

Even Legends find ways to evolve. The latest iteration of this Elite boot has all-new FlyTouch Plus engineered leather. Softer than natural leather, it contours to your foot and works with All Conditions Control (a grippy texture even in wet weather) so you can dictate the pace of your game. Lighter and sleeker than any other Tiempo to date, the Legend 10 is for any position on the pitch, whether you're sending a pinpoint pass through the defence or tracking back to stop a break-away.

Amplified Touch
See those micro-dots on the upper? They amplify touch zones for shooting, dribbling and passing. They make for a sleeker look while taking out the extra padding. Better still, they don't sacrifice the ball control you crave on the pitch. We shaved down the foam pods from the Tiempo 9, so your foot can get even closer to the ball when it's in your control. Instead, we moulded the lines into the boot. All Conditions Control (ACC) technology adds a grippy texture in both wet and dry conditions.

Natural, Contouring Fit
The FlyTouch Plus engineered leather is incredibly soft. It helps the boot mould to your foot for comfort without overstretching the material. Flyknit around the ankle gives you a secure feel.

Traction for the Pitch
The plate places conical studs in the heel for optimal traction and stability when braking and changing direction—just right under any conditions.

Product Details:

  • For use on longer, artificial-grass surfaces
  • Cushioned insole

Um vörumerkið

Nike er amerískt íþróttavörumerki sem var stofnað árið 1964 af frjálsíþróttamanninum Phil Knigt og þjálfara hans Bill Bowerman í Beaverton Oregon. Í upphafi hét fyrirtækið Blue Ribbon Sports eða allt til ársins 1971 þegar nafninu var svo breytt í NIKE eins og við þekkjum það í dag. Núna er NIKE stærsta íþróttavörumerki í heiminum.

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