Karfan er tóm.
14 daga greiðslufrestur er í boði fyrir þessa vöru.
Verðskrá Síminn Pay má finna hér.
Miðað við greiðslur á vöxtum.
lántökugjald og færslugjald á mánuði.
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No matter the distance, staying hydrated while on the bike is key. Designed to fit a variety of bottle cages on the market, along with an easy squeeze design to ensure more liquid with less effort, Podium is equipped with a self-sealing cap for less spills and splatters. The on / off valve provides a positive lock out for leak-proof transport. Podium offers best-in-class hydration so you can stay focused on the ride. A new design and improved cleanability maintains the Podium bottle's position as the best-of-the-best within the cycling industry. This premium bike bottle prioritizes performance and excellent cage fit above all else for both professional and recreational users. Easy to squeeze, the Podium is the ultimate bottle for rapid and reliable hydration.
Um vörumerkið
Saga Camelbak nær aftur til ársins 1989 og eru þeir leiðandi á markaði í drykkjarlausnum, allt frá brúsum til bakpoka og hlaupavesta. Allar vörur frá Camelbak eru BPA fríar.