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14 daga greiðslufrestur er í boði fyrir þessa vöru.
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Power through your workout feeling supported wearing our sleek Racer Zip Swimsuit with integrated Swim Bra, stylish high neckline and zip-up back. Offering our most comprehensive bust support yet, this is the one for those medium- to high-intensity workouts. The compressive fabric locks you in, so you can wave goodbye to bounce and enjoy 360° support from the inner mesh bust cradle. Expansive dart seamlines accommodate all bust sizes, and a comfy, wide J-Fit elastic underband stretches to adjust to any changes in your shape. Quick-drying Endurance+ Max fabric offers high chlorine resistance and durability, so you can swim-wash-repeat. Features:
Um vörumerkið
Speedo er eitt stærsta merki í sundheiminum, stofnað í Ástralíu árið 1928 og hefur verið leiðandi í sölu á sundfatnaði síðustu áratugi. Speedo vörur hafa verið til sölu á Íslandi síðan árið 1963.