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Karfan þín

Karfan er tóm.

Vnr. 25364416975

Speedo Tow Float flotbauja

6.495 kr.
Nafn Speedo Tow Float flotbauja
6.495 kr.
Birgðir 6

kr. kr/mán
(m.v. mán)

14 daga greiðslufrestur er í boði fyrir þessa vöru.

Verðskrá Síminn Pay má finna hér.

Miðað við greiðslur á vöxtum.

lántökugjald og færslugjald á mánuði.

Árleg hlutfallstala kostnaðar:


Meira um vöruna

Designed for maximum visibility in open water, our Hyper Yellow Tow Float is easy to spot during outdoor swim sessions. The adjustable waistbelt and leash length allow a tailored fit which feels comfy and secure, with minimal interference to your swim. The tow float includes an easy-carry handle, and the inflate/deflate valve is simple to use on the go. Buoyancy: 80 Newtons. *This product is not a lifesaving device and will not protect against drowning. Made from TPU.


  • High visibility - Hyper Yellow tow float designed to increase your visibility when swimming
  • Adjustable waistbelt and leash length - comfortably keeps tow float secure around your waist, with
  • Minimal interference to your swimming
  • Simple inflate / deflate valve
  • Easy carry handle - makes carrying the tow float easier
  • 80 Newtons bouyancy *This product is not a lifesaving device and will not protect against drowning
  • Main body tow float made using TPU
  • Size before inflation: 32cm x 45cm

Um vörumerkið

Speedo er eitt stærsta merki í sundheiminum, stofnað í Ástralíu árið 1928 og hefur verið leiðandi í sölu á sundfatnaði síðustu áratugi. Speedo vörur hafa verið til sölu á Íslandi síðan árið 1963.

Sjá fleiri vörur: Aukahlutir: Sund