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Up for a workout or down to chill, this Nike One Classic tank top is ready for whatever you are. Lightweight, silky-smooth fabric dries quickly and works for wherever your day takes you. A timeless, easy-fitting style and sweat-wicking tech help you feel confident, comfortable and dry from your morning stroll to your evening wind-down-and at all the stops in between. Nike One for All For years, Nike One has been a partner to you on your fitness journey, but we recognize that fitness doesn't look—or feel-the same for everyone. Looking for something a little more tailored and polished? Check out Nike One Fitted cropped tops. Wanna lean into the comfort of your favorite tee but still work up a sweat? Try a Nike One Relaxed top. Classic Style and Comfort A crew neckline adds a classic, timeless vibe to the tank. Slightly cropped, it's ready to meet your favorite high-waisted leggings for a head-to-toe look that you can feel confident and comfortable in all day long. The curved back hem and elegant seam lines throughout the design keep the look sleek, so you can wear it as the first layer—or the only layer. Stay Dry Nike Dri-FIT technology moves sweat away from your skin for quicker evaporation, helping you stay dry and comfortable through all your activities. Product Details:
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Nike er amerískt íþróttavörumerki sem var stofnað árið 1964 af frjálsíþróttamanninum Phil Knigt og þjálfara hans Bill Bowerman í Beaverton Oregon. Í upphafi hét fyrirtækið Blue Ribbon Sports eða allt til ársins 1971 þegar nafninu var svo breytt í NIKE eins og við þekkjum það í dag. Núna er NIKE stærsta íþróttavörumerki í heiminum.