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Stop the show in these LeBron Witness VIIIs, and let them know there are no limits to your flair and full-scale skills. This sleek and boldly sculpted shoe offers stability during quick movements and soft landings when you come back to the ground, allowing kingpins like you and LeBron to bound, brake and bolt from baseline to baseline. Max Air made A Max Air unit in the low-profile midsole is combined with a foam wrap-up for support when you're moving laterally. It helps cushion your landing while supporting the smooth transition from heel to toe. It also provides side-to-side stability and helps harness and direct your force. Secure feel Breathable mesh provides a lightweight, conforming fit in the upper, from the webbing that harnesses your forefoot to the external moulded pieces that help secure your heel. Reinforced stitching along the sides helps the shoe fit snugly for full-foot containment. Stick and move We split the rubber outsole and partially cut it out under the arch to help it bend and flex while helping reduce its overall weight. A classic herringbone pattern adds durable traction. Product details:
Um vörumerkið
Nike er amerískt íþróttavörumerki sem var stofnað árið 1964 af frjálsíþróttamanninum Phil Knigt og þjálfara hans Bill Bowerman í Beaverton Oregon. Í upphafi hét fyrirtækið Blue Ribbon Sports eða allt til ársins 1971 þegar nafninu var svo breytt í NIKE eins og við þekkjum það í dag. Núna er NIKE stærsta íþróttavörumerki í heiminum.