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If her game demands it, it’s gotta be good. Crafted with insights from women ballers, the Jordan Heir Series helps you play shifty and stay low to the ground. A drop-in midsole gives you extra mobility, while an external cage provides a fit that conforms to your foot for added support. So go ahead and cut in confidence. Conforming Cage A built-in cage system conforms to your foot to help give you the supportive fit you need when cutting across the court. Drop-In, Do Work A drop-in Cushlon 3.0 foam midsole puts lightweight and responsive cushioning directly underfoot, helping with on-court mobility. It's also why the Heir is lower to the ground than any other performance basketball shoe in our collection. Get a Grip Rubber outsole with herringbone tread pattern helps give you the sticky traction you need to stop on a dime and shift directions. More Benefits:
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Nike er amerískt íþróttavörumerki sem var stofnað árið 1964 af frjálsíþróttamanninum Phil Knigt og þjálfara hans Bill Bowerman í Beaverton Oregon. Í upphafi hét fyrirtækið Blue Ribbon Sports eða allt til ársins 1971 þegar nafninu var svo breytt í NIKE eins og við þekkjum það í dag. Núna er NIKE stærsta íþróttavörumerki í heiminum.