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Vnr. 0fd1159600

Nike Vapor 15 Elite Dream Speed FG/MG takkaskór

19.995 kr.
Nafn Nike Vapor 15 Elite Dream Speed FG/MG ta - 40,5
19.995 kr.
Birgðir 1

kr. kr/mán
(m.v. mán)

14 daga greiðslufrestur er í boði fyrir þessa vöru.

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Meira um vöruna

You've perfected your skill through endless training and channelled your inner fire into your craft. Now, when the weight of the match is squarely on your shoulders, rise to the occasion and deliver. Bold reds and gentle oranges speak to the fearless-yet-grounded attitude needed to embrace these pressure-packed moments. Loaded with a football-specific Zoom Air unit, the Academy boot helps you take your game to the next level and put the pedal down in the waning minutes of a match—when it matters most.

Pressure ready
Undulating, undaunted reds and soothing, rolling oranges represent the passion and adrenaline that arise when the game's pressure peaks. Repeating patterns represent the unseen training and endless repetitions that you pour into your game, so that you're ready for the pressure. The blend of technical skill and emotional drive combines for a moment of focus and clarity.

Springy underfoot feel
The heel Zoom Air unit sits in the outsole and provides an additional level of springy underfoot feel that helps you move fast on the pitch. It creates separation when it matters the most—whether you're scoring goals, being first to the ball or going by defenders.

Dig in, take off
Unique traction pattern offers super-charged traction with quick release to create separation.

Improved fit
A redone design improves the fit, so that it better simulates the foot. We did this by conducting multiple wear tests on hundreds of athletes. The result is a more contoured toe box and a better fit in the heel.

Drive your speed
The speed cage inside of the structure is made from a thin but strong material that secures the foot to the outsole without adding weight.

Product details:

  • For use on natural and synthetic surfaces
  • Cushioned insole

Um vörumerkið

Nike er amerískt íþróttavörumerki sem var stofnað árið 1964 af frjálsíþróttamanninum Phil Knigt og þjálfara hans Bill Bowerman í Beaverton Oregon. Í upphafi hét fyrirtækið Blue Ribbon Sports eða allt til ársins 1971 þegar nafninu var svo breytt í NIKE eins og við þekkjum það í dag. Núna er NIKE stærsta íþróttavörumerki í heiminum.

Tengdar vörur

Nike nuddbolti

7.995 kr.

Nike brúsi með röri 710 ml.

6.495 kr.